Spying Aspies
Aspies? Maybe this is the first time you heard or saw
this word. This is a pretty new
word. But “aspies” is more than a
word. They are people. It is a term some people coined for those who
have Asperger’s Syndrome. Asperger’s
Syndrome is a personality disability marked by social isolation. This means they have some problems
communicating and interacting with other people or situations in a normal way. Boys are three to four times more likely than
girls to have Asperger’s. You may not
know it, but you may be sitting next to one, or friends with some, or maybe you
are one. They are very interesting,
intriguing though sometimes annoying.
Aspies leave us wondering, asking, gasping “What’s up with them?” A lot of times they are talked about as
“weird’ or “strange.” That’s why it is important to understand them because
they are unique and wonderful people.
There are a lot of signs of an aspie
but I will give the most unique one. The
best clue to spy an aspie is his or her very strong interest in a single object
or topic. Have you met someone who really like trains or the solar system or
dinosaurs or vacuum cleaners or something else and you cannot stop them talking
about it? This person can possibly be an
aspie! Aspies want to know everything
about their topic and can tell you many facts about it endlessly. They are very good at picking up details and
gather enormous amounts of information about their favorite subject. When they talk, they are like little professors
with high level of vocabulary and speech patterns. Sometimes they can get annoying saying the
same things over and over. They talk a
lot! They can be insensitive to taking
turns in a conversation. They often
dominate with their information about their topic. Most of the conversations then become
one-sided. They can sometimes be
misunderstood as rude. But they don’t do
it on purpose. It is just how their
brain works. They often do not notice
that the person they talk to has lost interest in the subject.
Interestingly, many of the aspies
have an above-average intelligence. They
are very smart and a lot of them have become experts in their field of
interests. In fact, so many successful
people seem to have the diagnosis of Asperger’s Syndrome. Some historians suggest that Einstein and
Mozart may have both been aspies.
Knowing these behaviors, it can help
us spot around us who can be an aspie. By
scratching the surface and spying some facts about them, we can now understand
why they behave the way they do. They
will continue to amaze us, to intrigue us or even annoy us at times but now we
know how to deal with them, help them and accept them the way they are. They are fearfully and wonderfully made by God's loving hands.
All rights reserved. Odette Navarro 2013.
nicely written. write a book about it.