Yesterday, in my my quiet time, reading God's Word, reflecting, listening, I was directed to Isaiah 40:11 (NLT) and as a mother, I want to share to the mothers who are reading this what God taught me.
He will feed his flock like a shepherd.
He will carry the lambs in his arms,
holding them close to his heart.
He will gently lead the mother sheep with their young.
In this passage, God is showing His love, as a good Shepherd for His children, His flock. He gives us a picture how He shepherds us. We, as mothers, are shepherds to our children.We are given such a huge responsibility to raise up those precious souls. Apart from God, we can do nothing. But thankfully, He provides wisdom and ways for us to nurture the flock He so loved. In the midst of our own messes as moms, God's faithful hands hold us tight to carry out His work in the lives of our children.
Here are the four lessons I learned:
1. Feeds His flock
> What am I feeding my child with?
Call to action:
> Feed spiritual food: (Scripture reading, Scripture memory)
2. Carries the lambs in His arms
> How do I carry my child in my arms?
Call to action:
> Be inspiring and encouraging to my child when he's discouraged, frustrated, disappointed
3. Holds them close to His heart
> In what ways do I hold my child close to my heart?
Call to action:
> Love my child unconditionally
> Pray for my child unceasingly
4. Gently leads the mothersheep with their young
> Am I gently leading my child?
Call to action:
> Be gentle and kind as I lead and instruct my child in the ways of God
On another note, there was one lesson that struck me in John 21:15-22 when the Lord Jesus asked Peter after His resurrection, if he loved Him. Three times He asked and in those three questions He gave Peter these three commands:
1. Feed my lambs
2. Take care of my sheep
3. Feed my sheep
Then He told Peter to follow Him. Peter turned around and saw behind them the disciple whom the Lord loved. Peter asked the Lord, "What about him, Lord?" The Lord replied,
“If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? As for you, follow me.”
In this passage, I learned that as a shepherd mom, feeding the lamb, taking care of the sheep, feeding the sheep God entrusted to me, I must not turn around and compare my self from other shepherd moms and their flock. Each shepherd mom has her own flock, uniquely entrusted by God. As a shepherd mom, I must treasure and nurture the special flock, specifically assigned and especially placed in my care.
To all the shepherd moms, Happy Mother's Day and let our Shepherd God, our Father, help us take care of the flock He entrusted to us.
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