August is the highlight of our summer and a preparation for fall. We celebrate Gideon's birthday on the first week, our wedding anniversary in the middle of the month, Global Leadership Summit in between the two and the last week starts our new school year. These are the events of this month that we focus on and pay attention to. And in the busyness of each, although it is exciting, sometimes it gets exhausting and overwhelming that we get distracted, get stuck and stranded, not moving on towards the vision.
It is time to move on. But how? I want to share some wisdom I gleaned from the last two Sundays in our Church through Henry Cloud's two cents: "Never go back!" My take away was about patterns in our lives that need to be pruned and taken out in our system. These are patterns that hinder us from being fruitful. It is a mindset. I need to change a particular mindset that is preventing me from giving my highest and best for God. But since this is wired in my brain, in order to change, I have to replace it with a new one. How? In Romans 12:2 Paul admonishes us to renew our mind so that we will know God's perfect will. It all starts in the mind. The thinking pattern leads to action or inaction in our part. So, in order for me to be able to move on to the vision to be fruitful, I need to surrender my thought life to God and renew my mind by filling it in with God's Word and meditating on it and put it into practice in every area of my life.
- What are your thinking patterns, or habits that hinder you from knowing and doing the perfect will of God in your life?
- What next step can you do to move on?
Only in Jesus Christ can we have a new way of life. John 3:16