This is a place of community to inspire and encourage one another as we nurture the children God has entrusted to our care.

Waking up from my slumber, getting right up again to write and share my story...

A New Beginning...

Saturday, February 16, 2013


          This is a BIG week for me and my family.  Last Wednesday began the 40 day Lent in preparation for the commemoration of the Holy Week, remembering the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The next day, Thursday was my VALentine's birthDay.  This is a week of triple celebration!

          Speaking of Lent, in the past, I haven't really immersed myself into the 40-day contemplation and preparation for the culmination of the celebration of Jesus' ressurection for man's salvation.  (Whew, that's a lot of "tion").  Anyways, this week, as I was listening to Midday Connection at Moody radio last Wednesday, where the women were talking about Creative Journaling for and stuff you give up during Lent, I was compelled to examine my life and what I can give up to prepare my heart for the Holy Week.  I pondered on the thought and the next day, Valentine's day, in my daily devotion, I was led to John 17:19 where Jesus said: "And I give myself as a holy sacrifice for them, so they can be made holy by Your truth."  I want to share the thoughts and reflections I had on that day:


What did Jesus give up when He came down to earth?

  • the magnificence of heaven
  • the holiness of the presence of God
  • the praise and adoration on the heavenly hosts
  • and a lot more that are unfathomable by our humanity!!! HE IS GOD!!!
Why did He do it? For what? the "so", the purpose of His sacrifice (purposeful sacrifice)
  • for those who will believe to be made holy by the truth (Jesus Himself is the truth) just as He is holy 
Personal Application:
  • What in my life can I give up SO that it will impact the life of other people to be reconciled to God?
          As I contemplated on this question, a couple of things came into mind, like fasting from dessert, or give up one meal a day until Easter.  But one thing stood out. Time. Give up time wasters in my life (e.g. unmindful surfing/online shopping {though I'm not really buying}, too much playing on iPad, to name a couple)  . Be wise in using my time. Be mindful of my activities.  I want to use my time with people, sharing the love of God, showing the love of God, being the hands and feet of Jesus. People I love. People around me. People to celebrate life. People in need. People desperate for someone who will listen. People in need of love, the love that is everlasting, eternal, infinite, endless.  In my finite time lies infinite truth that can translate into a life transformed, translated into eternity.  What a wonderful revelation on a Valentine's day!!!

         So for real life application, to spend time with the dearest people in my life,  in celebration of my VALentine's birthDay, we went "real eagle" watching at Fox River in Batavia, Illinois, since Val and Gideon love nature and bird watching.  We had an awesome time together looking at how the bald eagles soar up high with their magnificent wings!  A triplebration indeed!!!

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